Ok, called the luthier guy. He saed, if I swapped strings back to 0.9, the bridge should lower itself. If it doesnt, try genly pushin it dowm wit tremolo arm (which I tried and it costed me a high e string.) And, if it still won"t come down, well, I should bring the darn thing over and he will take a look at a guitar. And me at his daughter, huh! ;) Well, it came down fairly...I shall, for the time being, leave it that way. Took a look at a backplate too...Jfrick is right. You could adjust the tension by screwing the screws in the body. But, for the time bein, I am leaving it that way. As for the tremolo arm, Ren, dunno, but i think I can"t post pictures since I am not at full access. Bt there is this site called ibanezrulles. Try checking it out there, maybe you will find it. I tried myself, but couldn"t, but maybe i messed something up. In case you don"t, here is the best description of my tremolo arm I can offer. First of all, it is slick. It doesn have the thing, uh what is it saed? You know, the carved lines on the side to screw it in? Nope. Smooth and you just pop it in.
After you pop it, there is this little hole in the bridge that comes from the end of the bridge to the hole in which the arm lies. Not vertically, but opposite (forgot the word. Sorry. Not an english man, obviously. :o ) Anyhow, this hole has the lines carved in so you can screw in a screw. Doing so, this screw will push into the tremolo arm, holding it tighter in place. Pretty simple.
Imagine a pipe of some sort. With a hole on the side. If you put a pipe of a smaller diameter in it, and you wont that pipe to hold still, just put the screw in the hole, so it will hold the smaller pipe. Get what I mean? Uh, took me a fine time to write this one. The bad thing is, i lost that screw. And it is so small, that i don"t know if they have it in any shop. Go figure.