Originally Posted by: JFRICKAre the new strings a heavier gauge than the ones you replaced? That's one main thing that will do that to a Floyd type bridge...
Also, the bridge will always be up a bit when new strings are installed until the new strings get stretched out....Did you stretch the strings?
I'm not familiar with the type of bridge your dealing with though, the kind where you keep the ball on the strings....
Hmmmm...Yeah, i think they are...Used to be 0.9, these are 10. Didn"t think of that...Now what? I know, I didn"t see bridges like that before, but when i bought the darn thing, it was strung like that, with the ball ends and worked fine. Yeah, i stretched them...To answer the question to a colleague before, strings are streched (at least I do so) try to tune them up fairly good, then play the guitar, using a lot of extreme bends and a whammy bar. Retune, do it again. Repeat the process until they don"t drop (or raise) in pitch alot. Taht is about it. That"s how I do it. Jfrick, what now? Should I take these strings down and try with new ones?