Originally Posted by: renHave any of the springs slipped off the back of the trem block?
If the bridge is up in the air, tune down until it drops and steadily pull it back up... patience man. Once you get the knack, it's OK... If you can give me a little more info, perhaps I can help meore - I'm fairly used to floyds.
I'm kinda surprised you had the problem if you changed the strings one at a time and brought them to pitch.... :confused:
Uhm, I am rather new at floyds...I changed the strings once before this and it worked fine. I know about the thing that you can"t change them all at once.
Nyhowz, this is not original floyd, it"s ibanez edge. Here you don"t have to clip the ball ends. Which I think gave me the trouble. When you insert the string into the bridge, you have to unscrew this piece so that the ball will go into hole. After done, you screw it back in. Well, during this procces, the ball ends of the string went to deep into the bridge (hope you know what I mean) and the same ball stuck into something on the down side of the bridge, pulling it up. I know, cause I see the ball ends bellow the bridge, but not all of them. So, some sat into place, others went too far. This is the problem. On the low E, I unscrewed the bolt and pulled the string back and the bridge came down quite a bit. But, dunno why, I can"t do the same with the other strings. The wont come out. And now i can2t tune the guitar. I retuned it three times and gave up. The only choice I see is to clip the strings alltogether and put new ones. I would hate to do that, considering I didn"t even played on this ones.
Expensive, especially for a musician on a budget. And a very tight budget it is.