Well, if you get a gibson les paul, it's a great guitar. I have a DC Standard (98 i believe) and it's great. . . very nice warm sound with Humbuckers. . . it can scream too, when needed. I've only played one epi that i've liked, it was a "higher end" les paul model (wasn't mine so i don't remember which one it was exactly). . . plus depends on your gear . . . when you're at the guitar shop try to find your amp and play a few different guitars through it, my LP will always be one of my top guitars, but i wouldn't be opposed to using the Epi i've played through the right amp. . . in fact while my baby was in the shop i had to use one for about 2 weeks. . . they can sound nice, but you'll still have to spend some good money. . .
the freak
[Edited by yafreax on 10-22-2001 at 03:06 PM]