hey Wes, I'm gonna crash this gear-knocking party and actually tell you my dream set-up. I, like you, am addicted to effects. I'm not a beginner and certainly know that effects wont make me a better player...but I'm trying to see what new sounds can be made.
Right now, I am very close to one of my many dream set-ups. I would not replace anything that I currently use live...but I would add more to it.
so, currently, my effects board consists of :
Z vex Wah Probe
Homebrew Electronics Uno Moss
Full Tone Fulldrive 2 (Mosfet onein Burnt Orange finish)
T rex Replica
I have worked hard to build this effects rig up, and will soon add (as soon as steve gets his stock) a
Love Pedal Magicboy (sometimes called MagicVibe)
Keeley Compressor
Fulltone Choral Flange
and possibly an eq pedal...but I'm struggling to find one I like.
Then my effects rig will be complete.
Guitar-wise, I'm currently running a PRS Custom22, and a Gibson Les paul Studio live (The LP has been modded to hell...SD Jazz in the neck, Bare Knuckle Nailbomb in the bridge and a Roland Midi pickup, which controls a Gr 20 guitar-synth).
Amp-wise, I know it's embarrasing, but I am a full on Ibanez Tube amp Fiend! My head is an Ibanez Thermion Tn120, which is just awesome...the only issue I have with it is that it has no line-out and so is always mic'd up on stage.
I then also have an Ibanez Valbee, which is a 5 watt full tube high gain combo amp. It's absolutely awesome...I never thought I'd like an Ibanez amp, until I bought my thermion, and now, if it says Ibanez, and burns tubes, I'm gonna want it.
Lets see...to add to my dream set-up i'd want:
A Nik Huber Dolphin
A Suhr of sorts
a Melancon
A Tele
A strat
A Hugh Manson
and a Prs HollowBody 2, flame maple top and back with the piezo :) oooh
oh and throw in a Black Machine!!!
Fender Deville
any Victoria Amp Co combo
A Diezel Vh4
a BadCat trem Cat
Oh here we go!
There are so many that I still want, although I'll limi it to the three I have ordered for now.
but I will one day own a:
Z Vex Fuzz Probe
Z vex Tremolo Probe
Z Vex Tremorama
and a T rex viper.
That's about it...haha
dude, if you enjoy oggling awesome effects, check out
www.stevesmusiccenter.comI buy all of my pedals from Steve. He's a great guy (from what I know, only ever dealt with him online) and he's never let me down.
[FONT=Century Gothic]Hope is when we feel the pain that makes us try again[/FONT]