Originally posted by twobone
I originally came to this sight to get a little insight into music theory, but I now find myself politically aroused. First off, let me say, in my opinion of course, that the media has helped to shape society into what it has become today. While I feel we need to be informed, I feel like you have to be selective about the information you let your brain absorb. There is entirely too much crap and propoganda to sift through for the weak minded...it's almost a form of brain-washing. Secondly, I served in the Army as a AH-64 Apache helicopter mechanic. ALthough I was trained for combat basics, I fortunately never had to be put into a situation where I had to kill or be killed. I never want to be in that situation. I understand the mentality of defending our homelands our liberties...but I also understand the implications of war. For those of us fortunate enough to be here with roofs over our head, food on our tables and readily available medical care for ourselves and our loved ones, we should be grateful. Most of us here have never had the threat of a foreign country shutting down our economy, strangling our food supply and killing our friends and families. This is not just about terrorism...it's about control. The US has seen this coming for a long time, we've just been complacent and blind to the possibilites. Read about the fall of Egypt and Rome...no country or empire is ever so solid that it cannot crumble. And what should not be overlooked, is that some of the greatest empires were ruined from within. So...that's my thought. As worthless as it may be to some. Look for truths...don't buy into everything the media has to say
buying into close to nothing the media has to say, sounds a little better. as far as empires crumbling, here's one to sort out. kinda worrisome! (revelation ch. 18). is this us (USA)? the similarities are bone-chilling! the one thing i do not like about our country, is that it seems the political powers thru the years have done all that they can to boot GOD out. the end result could just be that without GOD, we are vulnerable to it all.