Bass Tricks

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07/11/2007 5:38 am
I recently got one of my best friends to pick up bass guitar, I taught him the general basics of how the guitar works and the what is what and junk. But seeing as how im not a bassis, I really cant show him how to do anything but play some tab...

I was wondering if anyone knows of any good lesson sites for the bass guitar.

And when the hell is gonna be up?! :D
Ibanez Rg 4 life... Word XD
# 1
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07/11/2007 5:26 pm
Originally Posted by: ThraxionI recently got one of my best friends to pick up bass guitar, I taught him the general basics of how the guitar works and the what is what and junk. But seeing as how im not a bassis, I really cant show him how to do anything but play some tab...

I was wondering if anyone knows of any good lesson sites for the bass guitar.

And when the hell is gonna be up?! :D
Tell you friend to try this site, I like it.
The Mind Is A Terrible Think To Waste.
# 2
Guitar Tricks Moderator
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Guitar Tricks Moderator
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07/11/2007 8:43 pm
Virtually everything you can do on a guitar can be done on a bass and vice verse. Anything you know, you can teach your friend and it will have an application on the Bass.

I learned to play bass more by watching guitarists than I did by looking for bass lessons. My high school music teacher showed me the very basics of what notes are where and some simple techniques, after that I picked everything up by jamming with people.

First I learned to recognize chord shapes (which was my first inroads into learning Guitar) which taught me what root notes to play. Next, they taught me song structures and what notes "worked" for a given chord or in a given key. After that, I started to realize that I could play chords, too.

It all relates and it all interlocks with everything else. Specific bass instruction I do think is a good idea; just don't be afraid to show your friend something and let them know to keep an open mind.
Guitar Tricks Moderator

Careful what you wish for friend
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# 3
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07/11/2007 9:48 pm
Aight cool, thanx guys. If anyone else knows of any other sites, please post um :D
Ibanez Rg 4 life... Word XD
# 4
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08/12/2010 6:44 am
Here's another option to get your friend into production as a base player asap!

He should take a viewpoint of beginner, intermediate, and pro.

Let me clarify.

Beginner. He will just jam with you and do the best he can to maintain the percussion for your songs. Mistakes and and improvisation are perfectly legitimate.

Intermediate. He will work on the more difficult and tricky parts to better perform while u 2 jam. Using improvisation as needed to get through the difficult base lines.

pro. He will learn note for note, exactly what the tab says.

Let me know if this helps. - McLarry
# 5
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02/13/2024 3:27 pm

had the same question & I found very interesting...

# 6

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