View post (Fixing To Buy Guitar, Need Help Quick!)

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Joined: 10/13/01
Posts: 49
Joined: 10/13/01
Posts: 49
10/15/2001 5:34 am
I was watching the Fat Lip and In Too Deep videos (I also read a couple days ago that the guys used this guitar) and themain singer is using a Gibson Marauder. How does the Gibson Marauder sound? Is it mostly like a Les Paul? Also, im still trying to figure out if I could get the sound of the guitars in the videos I linked to above out of a Standard Fat Strat. Can anyone look at those videos and tell me what they think. On another note, can anyone verify and see if the guitar the main singer is using in both those videos is a Gibson Marauder? The only thing im worried about is getting a Les Paul or Marauder and not being able to get the higher pitched sounds that the PRS McCarty can make in addition to the Les Paul type sounds it can make. Would I be able to get about the same higher tones out of a Les Paul or a Maruader as the McCarty can get? Thanks again all!
