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Guitar Tricks Moderator
Joined: 07/05/00
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Guitar Tricks Moderator
Joined: 07/05/00
Posts: 2,907
10/14/2001 7:39 am
When I saw Blink 182, Tom was playing a Les Paul. He's pretty new to the Fender camp so far as I can tell.

Seriously though, how your guitar sounds depends on many many factors. Tone is the result of a very complex system. Your body, neck, bridge, saddles, strings, pickups, amp, effects, nut, fingers and so many other minute things come into play. You may want to look into a Dean- I think their Del Sol is probably very close in spirit and construction to a PRS, yet is fairly inexpensive. Though I haven't liked the feel of every Dean I've played, I have liked the quality, and my Dean fretless has held up very admirably so far.
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