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Joined: 07/11/00
Posts: 581
Joined: 07/11/00
Posts: 581
10/14/2001 1:09 am
I know how it is, once we decide on wanting to play guitar, we have the perfect image in our mind, based on what our heros play. I know it's great when we think that we've got it all figured out before we even make it to the guitar shop, but there are a few things you have to realize. 1. What works for others ont necessarily work for you, and 2 it's important to shop around before coming to that final conclusion.

If you're just starting out with the guitar, it's best to check out the guitars in thew 200-300 price range, because you don't know how far your desire will take you. Hoewever, it's always good to be optimistic.

Raskolnikov: Also there's the comfort factor:

Yes, and that's very important. Although it's important to find the perfect sound, something that we constantly search for (as musicians) it's also very important to find comfort. There are so many different guitar necks, and the weight of your guitar is also important, (especially if you're a skinny guy like me.) Personally, I prefer The Fender Stratocaster, and other instruments that are modeled after it. However, if you truly have the desire to play, than you wont mind searching around a bit before you make that final decision.

"Swoop and soar like the blues angels."