View post (Fixing To Buy Guitar, Need Help Quick!)

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Joined: 10/13/01
Posts: 49
Joined: 10/13/01
Posts: 49
10/13/2001 11:50 pm
Thanks for the replies! Well I really do want to learn and I have listened to Sum 41 songs countless times and I just love the way their guitars sound (the other guy plays a Gibson Marauder). So an Ephiphone Les Paul will sound the closest to a PRS Paul McCarty? Also which do I get I have seen many Les Paul and they range from Les Paul Studios to Custom To Standard, which should I get? I have been down to the local guitar shop and even though I dont know how to play I tried some out. I really like the sound Sum 41 has and im certain thats the sound im looking for =). Also, I have seen some Essex Less Paul Copies are these at all good or should I stay away and try to find an Ephiphone Les Paul? Thanks again guys I appreciate it!
