View post (Fixing To Buy Guitar, Need Help Quick!)

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Joined: 10/13/01
Posts: 49
Joined: 10/13/01
Posts: 49
10/13/2001 8:54 am
Hi all!

I am fixing to buy my first guitar and I really desire one that has a sound like the band Sum 41. I know the Dave guy uses a PRS McCarty (and from what I have seen he does alot of the main playing for them) so my question is what guitar would have a similiar sound to that and would cost me $200-$400? I know for my price range its asking alot but there must be something that sounds like a PRS McCarty in my price range =)! If you guys could recommend one to me that sounds like a PRS McCarty I would appreciate it. Also, what would be a good amp to get? I have been wanting to learn guitar for a long time and hearing this band all the time makes me what to learn even worse, and I like their sound and style alot!Thanks in advance all!
