Combining Palm Muting and Non-Muting

Joined: 08/03/01
Posts: 40
Joined: 08/03/01
Posts: 40
10/12/2001 10:41 am
here's the problem.

In Metal, there is al lot of palm muting.

now...i'm having trouble with this:

I Palm mute the string, but then i have to strike a note without muting it. My hand is hovering over the strings at that moment, and i can't find the strings easily. I make mistakes. I don't have this problem when i don't have to palm mute just before hitting the note. That's because i just place my hand on the bridge. That way...i don't have any problems finding the strings with my right hand.

what to do...what to do...
- Vertigo

# 1
Gear Guru
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Gear Guru
Joined: 01/18/01
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10/12/2001 6:05 pm
I apply palm mute with the fleshy edge of my palm, ( the side nearest to the pinky). By rolling my hand a little bit, I can control the amount of muting I apply to the string(s). The best part of this technique is that your hand is 'anchored' at the bridge, so you always know exactly where the strings are. You may have to shift the placement of your hand once in a while to accomodate the reach of your pick, but I find this method works for me.
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# 2
John O'Carroll
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John O'Carroll
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10/12/2001 6:50 pm
What "de lord" said is gold.
# 3
New Member
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New Member
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10/14/2001 3:35 pm
I think you must practice very very much . Nothing better than
practice . You must play the licks many times. It is the best method for me.
# 4

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