Thanks Jon!

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10/11/2001 12:02 pm
Thanks Jon!
Wow!! I'm the new moderator... cool. I'd just like to say I dont mind a little bit of Humour, but I'd like to say if i feel that they go a little too far I'll step in... The question beggs to be asked What's happened to Schamange?
Hey Christoph: I've got a more responible role now, so you'll be hearing less of my oppinions...
Zepplin: I'm glad you were picked... You seem quite a nice guy, you kept calm during our earlier debate :)..I think it'll be fun working with you...
# 1
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10/11/2001 2:25 pm
I want to see your new power, change this message to say something funny. I am giving you license, and I want to see you go corrupt, mwa ha ha ha.
"Dozens of people spontaneously combust each year, it's just not that widely reported".
# 2
Kevin Taylor
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Kevin Taylor
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10/11/2001 3:28 pm
I assume you mean Schmange :)
I'm here.. always have been. Just need to dedicate more time to teaching lessons and keeping up with the host section.
Congrats on being the new mods!!

# 3

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10/11/2001 3:51 pm
Hey guys, welcome to the moderator club! The important thing to remember is that if anyone, anyone at all, disgrees with your opinion in the SLIGHTEST, you've got to delete their message and, if possible, have them removed from the forum. ;)

Seriously though, this is the greatest guitar forum on the 'net, we rarely have any problems here. You guys got the hot seat though; open discussion! Problems have a tendency to arise in here occasionally (not often), just like they do sometimes in Famous Bands and Artists (my responsibility).
# 4
chris mood
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chris mood
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10/11/2001 4:41 pm
All hail the great EDUCATEDFILM.......TELL us mere mortals the benefits of being a moderator..good pay?, wild late night moderator parties? guitartricks benefit package? You where once one of us man, give us the truth.
# 5
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10/11/2001 7:34 pm
educatedfil this is sure gonna be fun ;)

anyway this is the best forum around, and hopefuly there wont be any problem on it in the future
"They think im crazy..
but i know better.
It is not I who am crazy.
It is I who am mad.."

ren hoek
# 6
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10/11/2001 9:22 pm
Being moderator is great! YOu can edit what you said and it wont say! Making me infalable! Making me immortal (none of you will be able to prove other wise)!!! Mwaahaaahahaaa..
I mean nowadays volentry work just doesn't pay as well as it used to... I mean i hear some moderators are having to work two forums... It's not as glamorous as you think... WHo am i kiding IT'S GREAT!!!!
I'll edit your post Bardsley, but not on so early on my promising career.... :)

# 7
is Super Fabulous
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is Super Fabulous
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10/11/2001 11:43 pm
Originally posted by educatedfilm
You can edit what you said and it wont say! Making me infalable! Making me immortal (none of you will be able to prove other wise)!!!

LOL. :)

Well, we could always quote your post . . . wait a minute, you can edit our posts right? Dangit. Jon, you've created a madman!

Educatedfilm, promise you won't edit my posts, man. :)

Congratulations, btw. What's you're real name? Saying "educatedfilm" seems so awkward . . .
# 8
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10/12/2001 12:13 pm
Don't worry I won't edit poeple's post with out a good reason, which is either foul langauge, or something that's been said just to offend...
if you feel educatedfilm is akward, just call me ed...:)

[Edited by educatedfilm on 10-12-2001 at 08:23 AM]
# 9

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