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Joined: 04/23/06
Posts: 627
06/01/2007 6:24 pm
Originally Posted by: cdawsondo you know any good links for the major scale?

or should i just get to know the different modes of the major scale?

The Major scale has a pattern of fixed intervals that are uniform with each note. The first note you start the pattern from names that Major scale.
Here's the pattern, I'll start on the A note, 6th string (low E), 5th fret. This will be the A Major scale.

B----|----|----|------|--E-|-----|-F#- |

The Major scale contains 7 notes and then resolves to the same note that it started from, one Octive higher (consider it as the 8th interval).
So, the 7 notes in the A Major scale are; A-B-C#-D-E-F#-G#. The Octive repeats the sequence of notes starting again with A. This sequence applies to any A note on the neck. Example; Starting from the open A string, the A Major scale can be produced on one single string



The numbers represent each note's relationship to the 1st note (Root note)
So, C# is the 3rd of A.... E is the 5th, etc..........
This is how chords are formulated.
an A Major chord is made using the 1st, 3rd and 5th intervals from the A Major scale. A-C#-E
an A Major7 chord would use; A-C#-E-G#

The interval pattern for the Major scale is a series of Whole step (up 2 Frets)
and half step (up 1 fret) intervals starting from the Root note.
So, to create the G Major scale you would have;
R-w w h w w w--h

Each Major scale keys with the 7 notes related from it's make-up . From the 7 notes in each Major scale, 7 modes are created in the key and the introduction to minor scales begin.