Hello. Im in a rockpunk sort of band from WI named Redway. Today we our having a gig which is one of our fist ones. Well I just got off the phone with our drumer and he said he could not make it to the gig. I also cant get a hold of our keyboarder and he does not know we are haveing it. I looks like its just going to be me and my brother playing. I sing and play the guitar, and my brother does the bass. I know that we are going to have to do it with just us but without the drumer and the keyboarder the songs wont be that good and we cant not do the gig for its in two hours. :( I know we are going to suck :( :confused:
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05/20/2007 7:01 pm
you can usually get a drummer to fill in for you from one of the other bands, if they're nice. and you can live without a keyboard. chin up, man. it'll be fine.
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Joined: 07/11/06
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05/21/2007 2:47 pm
Also if I may say so, it sounds like you guys need to communicate better. If the drumm knew about the gig and is not showing up, that would be an immediate firing. Just my 2 cents.
Don't worry too much, just go out and have a good time.