yes song titled 'beaches'
this is totally different fom what i usually make
i had a muck around with the sldie as well..tell me what yous think
[FONT=Impact]grooviest tunes ever [/FONT]
Originally Posted by: Drew77yeah it was good, but you should re-record the finger picking part since it is looped at the moment and it is obvious where the seam is, to the point of detracting from the song. At least I think that's what happened. Plus try practicing the song with a metronome or drum machine, your tempo changes a bit here and there, which is ok for a piece like this but it is a little obvious in a few places and it doesn't sound intentional. Overall the tempos fine though and a re-record would almost definitely fix it.
Just a few small things, but otherwise it's a great song. Like I said try re-recording it and either not looping the finger picking part, it sounds like it repeats three times throughout the song, so maybe just record them all at once. I am not sure a finger picked part is going to ever loop very well especially with the ambient buzz you are getting in the track which doesn't sound bad at all but when it loops it makes it very obvious thats all. Maybe it could be EQed out?
No idea but for some one only playing a year, I'd say your doing very well indeed. Nice tune man. The other ones good too.
Originally Posted by: ravenx495oh i forgot to say....
You sing terrificly, i love the haunting sound you got in that song, you sing a MILLION times better than me. I just play in my band for the guitar, and maybe a few screaming backups (deathmetal)! :D
Could i ask u do u get a music myspace? dont no how im a noob to that crap...