rage against/audioslave

well i've been studing alot of his technique mostly on rage against but how does he get that like dj style guitar playin like the solo for killen in the name of.. and basically the whole song for bulls on parade and renegades of funk and this is also present in audioslaves original fire just he solo though but its a really cool sound and i was wondering what pedals are used in these songs thanks in advance everyone :)
# 1
Killing in the Name Of: Whammy [U]pedal[/U] set to 2 octaves up (when compressed, he rocks it forward on each note.)
Bulls on Parade: Wah wah pedal and some good ole fret hand mutting.
Renegades: Also whammy [U]pedal[/U], unsure about the settings since I've never played it. Most likely 2 octaves as well.
Original Fire: As Tom refers to it as "The Laughing Monkies," is done by rocking the wah wah, pressing the strings aganist the pickup pole pieces repeatedly, and dipping the whammy [U]bar[/U].
Getting a wah wah pedal, if you don't have one already, is the greatest effects pedal purchase you'll ever make, its so much fun.
Bulls on Parade: Wah wah pedal and some good ole fret hand mutting.
Renegades: Also whammy [U]pedal[/U], unsure about the settings since I've never played it. Most likely 2 octaves as well.
Original Fire: As Tom refers to it as "The Laughing Monkies," is done by rocking the wah wah, pressing the strings aganist the pickup pole pieces repeatedly, and dipping the whammy [U]bar[/U].
Getting a wah wah pedal, if you don't have one already, is the greatest effects pedal purchase you'll ever make, its so much fun.
"During this line, the kid acted like he was pushing buttons on a calculator in the air. The kid played ******* air-calculator!"
# 2

alright thanks for that but another question whammy like the digitech thing or wawa like a dunlop because my birthdays coming up so ill try and get one of them
# 3
Yeah for the whammy, get the digitech, I'm not even sure if any other brand makes them, or at least a good one. For a wah wah, the Dunlop Cry Baby's are nice, you also have vox, morley, and the Ibenez weaping demon wah. You should go to a guitar shop and try out what they have. The Crybaby Gcb95 I think its called is a nice one to start out with.
"During this line, the kid acted like he was pushing buttons on a calculator in the air. The kid played ******* air-calculator!"
# 4

alright thanks man ill deffintly start lookin up this stuffs i just love the sound he amkes with his guitar and other strange effects he uses i would love to know aobut it :cool:
# 5

alright well ive been lookin up this stuff and i found the RP350 which has all the effects youve been sayin basicaly and i do get guitarworld which sopposedly uses the pedal to do all there songs so i can down load the set up which seems pretty sweet but it the same price as the digitech whammy which is pretty low anyone have this and what you think about it??
# 6