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Kevin Taylor
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 03/05/00
Posts: 4,722
Kevin Taylor
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 03/05/00
Posts: 4,722
04/06/2007 9:09 am
Ah....... calm lovely mellllllllo......

Random thoughts...

Why do they put pork in cans of beans when every body just picks it out?

I'm coloring my hair blonde tonight even though I'm blonde to begin with....
is that redundant?

I'm on my 14th beer and I'm still capable of typing.

I think I'll light a fire in the fireplace

I bought a keychain voice recorder tonight but it's too damned big for my keychain

It's 4:45 and time to rinse my hair. Guess I'm gonna be blone tonight.

Oh man.... I'm totaly blonde. Freakky....

Not just dirty blone but platinum blone.

yep... I'm officialy a rock star. :)

Time for more beer.