Guitar Hero 2

# 1

that game is so awesome, i play it when i cant get to my guitar like i play it in best buy and walmart all the time + thats like the only reason i go to my friends house all the time so i can kick his but in it just like halo 2 and everything else
No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible.
# 2

# 3

heh true , very true i doubt it would help unless with like speed, in a way? i dont know when i play it i dont really connect it with playin guitar though if that makes since its more of a reaction to pressin the colors at the same time they come up sorry im just hyper now :D that game rocks though
No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible.
# 4

dude, I'm an absolute "geek" at that game. I can play like 8 songs on expert and get at least 90 percent :D
Like a phoenix rising from the flames... shall the epic journey unfold as we discover our ancient future and craft legends through fire and flight.
This is a night of trance... shall the epic journey unfold as we discover our ancient future and craft legends through fire and flight.
This is a night of trance...
# 5

# 6
I hope you guys spend more time with your real guitars then those plastic ones. :(
"During this line, the kid acted like he was pushing buttons on a calculator in the air. The kid played ******* air-calculator!"
# 7
Originally Posted by: mdaddictheh true , very true i doubt it would help unless with like speed, in a way? i dont know when i play it i dont really connect it with playin guitar though if that makes since its more of a reaction to pressin the colors at the same time they come up sorry im just hyper now :D that game rocks though
holy cow! claire you're back! :D
[FONT=Impact]grooviest tunes ever [/FONT]
# 8

:eek: heh didnt think anybody realized i was gone :D
No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible.
# 9

Originally Posted by: elklanderccI hope you guys spend more time with your real guitars then those plastic ones. :(
well, duh, but the thing is, playing real guitar is what makes you so good at the game! :D
Like a phoenix rising from the flames... shall the epic journey unfold as we discover our ancient future and craft legends through fire and flight.
This is a night of trance... shall the epic journey unfold as we discover our ancient future and craft legends through fire and flight.
This is a night of trance...
# 10
id beg to differ felt different to me...the buttons are too huge and icant really stretch my fretting hand all the way to the last coloured button...i did kick ass tho...but to me it was merely all about the timing...
[FONT=Impact]grooviest tunes ever [/FONT]
# 11
I geuss being able to play guitar would give you a slight advantage with the game since you can roll your fingers from index to pinkey easily and your hands are synchronized. I think they should make a 3rd one where they have another set of buttons high on the neck that are much smaller. If some of these kids are so addicted, they could at least make it more challenging. :p
"During this line, the kid acted like he was pushing buttons on a calculator in the air. The kid played ******* air-calculator!"
# 12

Originally Posted by: jeffhxid beg to differ felt different to me...the buttons are too huge and icant really stretch my fretting hand all the way to the last coloured button...i did kick ass tho...but to me it was merely all about the timing...
Heres my fingering position on that game for hard and expert mode:
You just gotta keep it in position. I mean, on a scale where you have to stretch to a range of five frets on a real guitar, that's how you're supposed to do it anyway.
Like a phoenix rising from the flames... shall the epic journey unfold as we discover our ancient future and craft legends through fire and flight.
This is a night of trance... shall the epic journey unfold as we discover our ancient future and craft legends through fire and flight.
This is a night of trance...
# 13

Originally Posted by: elklanderccI geuss being able to play guitar would give you a slight advantage with the game since you can roll your fingers from index to pinkey easily and your hands are synchronized.
Yeah, the funny thing is I've been teaching my friend a few scales on guitar, and a few songs that he liked, (american idiot :( Man, I regret learning that song.) So he thought it was awesome that he could play that now(weakly). Then, we went upstairs to play Guitar Hero 2, and he improved drastically. (But he still couldn't beat me!) I was surprised. The real guitar must have stretched his fingers out and taught him synchronization. I still laugh about it. :D
Like a phoenix rising from the flames... shall the epic journey unfold as we discover our ancient future and craft legends through fire and flight.
This is a night of trance... shall the epic journey unfold as we discover our ancient future and craft legends through fire and flight.
This is a night of trance...
# 14

# 15

GH is dance dance revolution for your hands.
GH is dance dance revolution for your hands.
For life is quite absurd and death's the final word, You must always face the curtain with a bow
Forget about your sin - give the audience a grin
Enjoy it - it's your last chance anyhow.
Forget about your sin - give the audience a grin
Enjoy it - it's your last chance anyhow.
# 16

I beat every mode and 5 stars on easy, normal, and hard, amd most of expert but a few songs kick my butt like FB on the really fast hammerons and pull offs and beast and the harlot on the rhythm (i can pllay it on real guitar with the palm mute and everything but when i play on GH2, i subconsciously try to palm mute and i mess up.
Im only missing the log guitar. :cool:
Im only missing the log guitar. :cool:
[FONT=Fixedsys]A tout le monde, A tout mes amis, Je vous aime, Je dois partir. These are the last words I'll ever speak, and they'll set me free![/FONT] ;)
# 17