Originally Posted by: ravenx495I'm preparing for a talent show coming up, and I'm planning on playing "Master of Puppets" by Metallica. I've been practicing the hell out of this song for months, but I can't seem to get the down picking right, cause at the end of the song it seems I'm just worn out and my timing gets sloppy.
Does anyone got some drills for right-hand endurance I can use to get this thing nailed? :confused:
Hey Bro, Here's a couple of suggestions you can explore with and see if it helps. I believe that I read from one of your other posts in regard to holding a pick, that you mentioned tucking the extra fingers in the palm of your pick hand so they wouldn't be flipping all around. I gave it a try to get the feel and found it difficult for me to maintain control, especially with palm muting. It also brought on fatigue quickly and I too was worn out.
Maybe you could try completely relaxing your pick hand, then anchor (or rest)the extra fingers on the guitar body just below the high e string. This technique could bring endurance to the pick hand because you can lean on those extra fingers for support and relieve some of the fatigue.
I pretty much use this technique exclusively to gauge the different pressures applied for palm muting variances and sometimes even use those extra fingers to deaden the sound of unplayed strings, especially at high volume.
Good luck at the talent show.