OK, so I started finger pickin the last couple days, and really have been doing it excessively. I'm learning "Bron Yr Aur" by Zep and its been givin me hell to say the least. Really a whole different animal than what I've previously been playing. My mind is going like 8000 places at one time, so its been tough. But anyways, this entire is finger picked. (If you haven't heard it you must. Theres a good vid of some little kid playin it in the Places To Go forum.) So, my fingers on my picking hand are hurting a bit. I've even got a blister on my thumb from the first night I started learning this song. Is this normal, or is my technique messed up? I thought probably its another callous building thing, but wasn't sure figured I'd ask.
Thanks for any help.
Heres my progress on Bron Yr Aur thus far after 2 days. Its slowed down quite a bit from what Page does it at, and its pretty bad. But I recorded it so I figured I'd post it. Really gives me that much more respect for Jimmy Page. Guy was a genius.
Bron Yr Aur disgustingness
Let your soul shine. Its better than sunshine. Its better than moonshine. Damn sure better than rain.