"Imprint, Enjoy, Relax" (title debatable, any suggestions will be gladly taken into consideration) (thats actually part of the title) (just kidding)
Tread heavily my dear
Imprint, enjoy, relax
Cliche as it is these times will not repass
Imprint, enjoy, relax
We'll drive these back road until we are lost
Find those sacred places where we can talk
Whether it be by the river or a deserted hangar
Its my friends that form my memories not the chaos surrounding me
Tread heavily my dear
Imprint, enjoy, relax
Cliche as it is these time will not repass
Imprint, enjoy, relax
First warm day of the year traditionally
We have to celebrate the anticipation of spring
You grab the pen and I'll get the paper
We'll sit in the grass and we'll play what life is made of
Tread heavily my dear
Imprint, enjoy, relax
Cliche as it is these times will not repass
Cliche as it is those times will not repass
Imprint, enjoy, relax
Sorry if there are any typos.