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Senior Member
Joined: 09/28/01
Posts: 103
Senior Member
Joined: 09/28/01
Posts: 103
10/01/2001 4:24 am
he really gets into playing his guitar..
he really attacks it (as well as malcolm)
and really wrings his notes out of it
so, its not just your equipment, if you
want to play/sound like him...i think you
have to really study his playing
(or find someone who knows
or read old interviews with him)

i mean...if you bend an A up a whole step to B
(2nd string 10th fret...bend up to 12th fret)
if you bent that note..adn I bent it, and Angus..
we'd get 3 different sounds...
(well the sounds would be similar..)
but he might throw in a little vibrato...
its all personal technique...
oh, one thing i read..that might be of some help..
in an interview, i read that when Angus plays power chords...he doesnt just play them solid..he adds a little
bend to the chord...the whole fretting hand slightly bends
his chord..and i think malcolm plays his normal
this causes a little different sound in their chords..
(grab a c power chord and kind of bend the whole thing)
(not very much tho...keep it a C chord)
anyway, im done blabbin...good luck