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Joined: 01/26/05
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Joined: 01/26/05
Posts: 191
02/19/2007 5:19 pm
are you gonna do it all tag team like, like the beastie boys? thats them right? Anyway, it kinda sounds like that kinda rap. There are a couple lines that are shaky, the line with riffin in it, mostly cause riff'n has such a strong natural cadence and to say it with the beat I am picking up goes against that cadence. It woks though, just gotta say it fast and almost condense it into a single beat.
Second verse doesn;t seem to flow as nicely until the end bu it still works. Good job. I think you should do it like a tag team rap cause otherwise it will not only be difficult for one singer to keep up the pace of the beat but yu get get some cool effects with multiple "rappers". One say a line the next says a line then they all say a line together, very beastie boys-ish. If you did this with lines 5-8 in the second verse it would work really well. three ppl, each say 5, 6, 7, then you all say 8. Hope that makes sense.

Anyway, it's pretty good I'd say. Just get real creative with how you preform it. Maybe nothing I suggested would work with the rhythm you have in mind, in which case never mind. :P But its good. for rap written for a rock group.

Alright never mind, I just heard the recording cause I didn't see it before. It sounds pretty good, I had it in my head as being very fast paced so ignore evrything said previously. :)