I have a lot web design project right now ( I am a web designer and promoter) but can't concentrate on any work. I just keep playing guitar the whole day!
very bad situation. My wife enjoys the music but recently is pussing
more presure on me to work and make money :confused:
Can not concentrate on anything except guitar

# 1

That's an easy one... get a job where you get paid to play, could be a part time, so you have 2 income sources, get to play and get the wife happy again. :D
Power corrupts. Absolute power is kinda neat.
# 2

I love to do that, I have done that before but they do not pay much ;)
Man how much I love to do it perhaps in a live cafe
It is a good challenge though :)
Man how much I love to do it perhaps in a live cafe
It is a good challenge though :)
# 3

When I had a band and played drums (i was just a kid) we played for the plasure of it, we played on any party we were invited, school shows... you name it.
So one day we played this small bar... the first time I couldn;t play cause of an operation, but the second time I did play and we succed to bring up more than 30 people (requiered ticket pre-sale) so we got paid for playing.... damn we loaded our rigs, drove home and stopped at a taco restaurant. We paid our dinner with the gig payment... bro... never in my life I enjoyed a simple taco dinner so much, as the matter of fact no dinner has ever been so good since that... cause I paid with money made by the thing I love the most... my music.
I feel ya bro... keep your dayjob (there's no much to do bout that) but give yourself a chance to the the cafe stuff... and writte a song to your wife and dedicate it to her in a gig... she would die right there.
So one day we played this small bar... the first time I couldn;t play cause of an operation, but the second time I did play and we succed to bring up more than 30 people (requiered ticket pre-sale) so we got paid for playing.... damn we loaded our rigs, drove home and stopped at a taco restaurant. We paid our dinner with the gig payment... bro... never in my life I enjoyed a simple taco dinner so much, as the matter of fact no dinner has ever been so good since that... cause I paid with money made by the thing I love the most... my music.
I feel ya bro... keep your dayjob (there's no much to do bout that) but give yourself a chance to the the cafe stuff... and writte a song to your wife and dedicate it to her in a gig... she would die right there.
Power corrupts. Absolute power is kinda neat.
# 4