View post (It's saturday night!)

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Joined: 01/14/06
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Registered User
Joined: 01/14/06
Posts: 375
01/20/2007 7:44 pm
And i'm gonna enjoy it! i was ill for 3 wks with some wretched virus that i just couldn't shift, could hardly eat or drink anythin, as a result of this i ended up in hospital 2wks ago with the start of pnumonia (think thats how you spell it) and an infection on my right lung that made it really painful to breath, anyhow i finished my anti-biotics last saturday, so tonight my girlfriend's cookin me up a stormin lamb curry which i'm gonna wash down with a pint or 2 of 'old speckled hen' and a few jack daniels, think i deserve it :D

It's nice to be well again!
Strat totin
Six string slingin
Son of a gun

I met my maker, i made him cry, and on my shoulder he asked me why, his people won't fly thru the storm, i said, listen here man they don't even know your born.

strat-man rocks with vox