I never thought I'd be all excited about buying me a Strat, however, Ive made a 180 turn... And right now I spend more time looking for the perfect deal on a strat than playing guitar. I need to get this out of my head asap and in a perfecty world It would magically turn into a strat in my hands, but thats not happening I guess :confused: (?)
The problem Im having now is were to spend my cash. I was thinking of going all the way and buy a Am Deluxe Ash Strat.. But then i found out that these new noiseless (SCN) pickups that fender put in them suck and that they offer no alternative (because they are more interested in selling their new hyped pickups i guess) on their dlx series, that I know of. Kind of wierd to tell the truth, since this is supposed to be one of their top of the line guitars.
So, how about a American Standard. Or something else? Whats the real differense between Std and Dlx except for the pickups? And the fact that i cant seem to find one made of Ash.
Im thinking of...Maybe, buying a set of kinman pickups but that would definitely eliminate the Dlx as an option (to much->>$$$). So, A standard + kinmans? maybe even a used Standard. Any other options that dont go way past a dlx, money-wise?
I found a nice used Dlx on ebay but I live in Sweden and the guitar lives in Florida, so I'm not sure Im prepared to take a chanse on it :confused:
It might be the deal of my life since that guitar would cost me almost three times as much NEW in sweden, but im having trust issues on this one. Selling used stuff Internationally using the internet would and should (and is) be perfect for scammers.
This turned into such a big time problem, lol, I just wanted a new guitar to play around with.