Anybody into geocaching? Anybody actually know what geocaching is? If not, you can go
>HERE< to find out what it is. Anyway, Tonja and I have really got into it, and we're having a blast with it. We jumped in head first, without really knowing what we were doing, so we didn't do so well on our first outing. We've kind of got the hang of it now, and have found 2 caches. Actually, we found 3, but some people were already at the second one we went to, so we weren't able to actually go to it. The GPS unit we use is a
>Garmin GPSmap 76CSx< . It's an awesome unit, and there's so much you can do with it, that it's ridiculous.
Here's a picture of us on our first successful geocache hunt...
[FONT=Palatino Linotype]
Tonja Renee's personal instructor[/FONT]