I give you my all-time favorite blues song... Blues Deluxe by Mr. Joe Bonamassa... If you've never heard of Joe Bo, or never seen him play this song live... you might want to sit down for this one.
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Originally Posted by: aschlemanBlues Deluxe is my personal favorite of his. Also check out the band that he was in called Bloodline... it was a lineup of the sons of a bunch of famous musicians... The drummer was Miles Davis' son, the bass player was the son of the bass player from The Doors, I believe Joe Bonamassa's dad played with Allman Brothers... and some others.
Originally Posted by: z0s0_jpi think your talking about derek trucks whose dad played with the allman bros.
Originally Posted by: aschlemanI knew that... Joe's father played with someone... I'll look it up. BRB
*** I tried to find out but maybe I was mistaken. I was already aware that Derek Trucks' father played with Allman Brothers, I was almost certain there was a connection between Joe and them too... maybe it was a different band... who knows. But yeah, the drummer of Bloodline was Miles Davis' son and the Bassist was the son of The Doors bassist.