[FONT=Century Gothic]Hope is when we feel the pain that makes us try again[/FONT]
Cool Christmas gear?

So did anyone receive any cool gear for Christmas? i got no guitar gear whatsoever!
# 1
well....i got Dream Theater "Score" DVD...if that counts
"Dammit Jim!! I'm a guitarist not a roadie...so haul my gear"
# 2

Bought myself a new 5 string bass - Washburn Bantam BB% in gun metal grey. Arrives on Wednesday along with a Sansamp bass DI box - can't wait to start recording!
The best Christmas presents always come from myself to myself;-)
The best Christmas presents always come from myself to myself;-)
# 3

# 4

wow, that sounds awesome...lucky guy...I love new amps...
[FONT=Century Gothic]Hope is when we feel the pain that makes us try again[/FONT]
# 5

My brother got a Behringer beginner-bass package.....it's sort of a present to me too, because now I can play bass whenever my heart desires.
Even better, my dad got me that Boss Micro BR 4-track recorder I said I wanted so very much. The only catch is that since it's not sold in Canada, I have to wait until my aunt flies out from LA on the 20th to get it. But still....EEEEEEE!!!!!
Even better, my dad got me that Boss Micro BR 4-track recorder I said I wanted so very much. The only catch is that since it's not sold in Canada, I have to wait until my aunt flies out from LA on the 20th to get it. But still....EEEEEEE!!!!!
# 6

got myself a nice pedal board to fit all my pedals in, and a whammy pedal
"Fire, to being whipping dance of the dead, blackened is the end, to being whipping dance of the dead, color our world Blackened."
# 7

Got a chorus pedal and a compressor.....finally!.....thankyou santa
Strat totin
Six string slingin
Son of a gun
I met my maker, i made him cry, and on my shoulder he asked me why, his people won't fly thru the storm, i said, listen here man they don't even know your born.
strat-man rocks with vox
Six string slingin
Son of a gun
I met my maker, i made him cry, and on my shoulder he asked me why, his people won't fly thru the storm, i said, listen here man they don't even know your born.
strat-man rocks with vox
# 8

Hello and Merry Christmas to all. I got an Epi Les Paul Quilt Top and a Vox AD30VT amp. It's my first electric guitar and I haven't been able to put it down since Christmas eve when I opened it (except for having to do this daggone job thingy).
# 9

i got a new peacey value king 112 !!! and i bought my self a new banshee talk box!! there both madd sweet :D
# 10

i got a steinberger gm7sa in alpine white, amazing amazing guitar!!!
if you are tired of traditional guitars look into these!
its worth 900pounds, but cos they are so rare the shop didnt hav a clue and sold it to me for 350! oh how i laughed when i googled it....
if you are tired of traditional guitars look into these!
its worth 900pounds, but cos they are so rare the shop didnt hav a clue and sold it to me for 350! oh how i laughed when i googled it....
listen, its free!lmao
listen, its free!lmao
# 11
I didn't get anything but money for Christmas, since I was in the middle of moving, but now that I'm at my destination, and without a guitar.... I splurged and got myself a PRS SE Singlecut, and a Traynor YCV50. They both kick much arse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! \m/><\m/

# 12

I got cash for christmas but with it i bought an MXR M-108 10 band EQ and a BBE sonic stomp. and i recomend them to anyone because they both improve my tone Massively.I thought my tone was good before and now if i turn it off I think it sounds like $H!t and if i can scrounge up a bit more cash i might get an MXR DC brick to clean up my newly made pedal board because these wall warts are bothering me
"We forgot to call Dylan" "Who the F*ck is Dylan?" "oh, I mean xDylanx" " oh yea we forgot to call him"
# 13

Eric, where is your Custom 22? still on its way? or did you sell it? I'd fel very sad if you had to sell it
[FONT=Century Gothic]Hope is when we feel the pain that makes us try again[/FONT]
# 14
Oh no, I've still go it. I just wasn't comfortable with taking it on the plane with me. Most all of my music gear is being stored at my grandmothers until we can get back down South to ship all of my things up.
# 15
if you can find it, and get past my grandmother, knock yourself out ;) :p
# 16

I got some Emg pickups :o not a great present, but they suremade my lp a hell of a lot nicer ;)
Im not ok. Im not okhayhay. Im not ok.
Im not O f****n K.
Im not O f****n K.
# 17