I really like the feel and the groove of that track.......good stuff...kind of funky :)
It seemed to me that the drums were very dry and upfront (Louder/in you face )sounding compared to the rhythm guitar that was panned L..... then when the solo came in it seemed very dry and raw....even more so than the drum track.
I was diggin' the bass a lot.
One other thing was that I wasn't picking up anything on the right except the beginning of a drum fill / roll-out.(??).. Maybe an alternate rhythm track panned slightly right, or even move the bass over there a bit if there's nothing else that's going to be over there(??) .....
Like I said though, ... that's a really nice groove!
Keep in mind that these comments are just my "opinion", and you have to do it the way that "YOU" like it.....keep up the good work!