Crank- that kept me on the edge of my seat at all paced action involved...
Devil wears Prada-this movie surprised me..i thought it was some chic flick but it turned out pretty good..
Saw 3 - mediocre...messy plot i feel..saw 2 was the best imo
The Black Dahlia - love that movie...
Lock, stock and 2 smoking barrels - MUST WATCH...friggin hilarious english movie
Napoleon dynamite - was good tho it tends to stretch out for too long in some parts (or maybe i was half asleep wheni was watching)
Accepted - another teenage college-ish kinda movie but with a fresh (in a far' fetched kinda way) i'd say
Lonely hearts - that was good
Casino royale - it was me in the english accent mood for quite abit
thats abt it as far as i can remember for now...
[FONT=Impact]grooviest tunes ever [/FONT]