Favorite quote.....GET OUT THE BEANS!

Have you ever wondered why kamikaze piolots wear helments?
# 1
same reason doctors swab your arm before giving you a lethal injection !
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my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
# 2
They didn't wear helmets. They wore flight caps and goggles.
So there...
So there...
# 3
Originally Posted by: schmangeThey didn't wear helmets. They wore flight caps and goggles.
So there...
but they did wear seatbelts.........
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Guitar Tricks Moderator
"If it feels right, play it. If it feels wrong, play it faster” - Magicninja
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# 4

They wore helmets because their ultimate goal wasn't to die within the battle... it was an honor given to them by God.... If the situation arose for them to "kamikaze".... they took advantage of the oppertunity.... otherwise they all would have flown happily back to Japan........... The fact of the matter is... They all took off with the thought in mind that they wouldn't retunr.......... Realistically.... when you drive to work/school in the morning.... why do you wear a seatbelt??? Because you fear death.... do you FEAR death.... or do you RESPECT death.... I think the Kamakazi pilots RESPECTED death.... that's why they wore helmets.... philosophy motivates.
# 5
# 6

actually, they were occasionally sent out with specific targets in mind, and so many pilots knew they'd either die by crashing into a target, or die en route to the target...as such many of the planes were crafted primarily of canvas and material rather than expensive metals.
[FONT=Century Gothic]Hope is when we feel the pain that makes us try again[/FONT]
# 7