Favorite quote.....GET OUT THE BEANS!
Jam Session

Do any players here go to jam sessions? There is a music store close by that has a jam session every Tuesday night. They play country and bluegrass. It's a great time and a great way to meet people and it's a good way to learn new stuff. I wish you could all come over and jam tomorrow night
# 1

Me too , that sounds fun. There aren't really other musicians around to jam with us, but we have some good jams at practice. Haha..."jams".
You go outside and practice screaming. We'll play music while you're gone.
# 2

we dont have any regular jam spots, but my brother (who plays bass) and I are always jamming with different folks. we play together in a band, but we also jam with different guys as often as possible...Its actually great, we have got this sort of reputation on the local scene as guys who jam alot, so all the local musos and bands are keen to jam with us...its really fun...just two or three hours of improv...and you learn so much.
I'm actually going to speak to a store nearby and see if we can arrange for a regular jam session there. I think its a great idea.
I'm actually going to speak to a store nearby and see if we can arrange for a regular jam session there. I think its a great idea.
[FONT=Century Gothic]Hope is when we feel the pain that makes us try again[/FONT]
# 3
I do it quite a bit... there's a few jam nights in Birmingham and London that I go to... mostly blues or jazz....
I get funny looks when I pull whammy / Harmonic tricks... :eek:
I get funny looks when I pull whammy / Harmonic tricks... :eek:
Check out my music, video, lessons & backing tracks here![br]https://www.renhimself.com
# 4

Andrew, Tell the guy at the store that it's a great idea to have jam sessions because it's a fantastic source of income. Dave- the guy at the music store I go to- doesn't have much time to play along because he's always so busy. Selling books, strings picks, tuners, everything you need. While people are there they go ahead and buy while they are there instead of waiting till later.
From the none business side it is a blast. We had pobably 20 people show up last night. 3 upright bass's. That was interesting. Ha
From the none business side it is a blast. We had pobably 20 people show up last night. 3 upright bass's. That was interesting. Ha
Favorite quote.....GET OUT THE BEANS!
# 5
I used to go jam with the old vets at the local VFW on Friday nights. Those guys could play and we had alot of fun. I hear they still get down every now and again. I might have to look them up.
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Guitar Tricks Moderator
"If it feels right, play it. If it feels wrong, play it faster” - Magicninja
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# 6