Hey man, check this out:
ESP KH-2 M-II #5 "Mummy"
Original graphic from the movie "The Mummy" staring Boris Karloff
2x EMG 81 humbuckers, 2 volume and 1 tone control
'The Eye of Horus' inlays
This guitar can not be ordered, because Kirk owns the rights of the drawing
Can be seen: "Cunning Stunts"
Still used live
ESP Wavecaster
Hollow plexi-glass Telecaster body filled with blue wave machine fluid,
rosewood fretbard
1x EMG 81 humbucker, 1 volume control
This is one of two guitars made by ESP. It was initally supposed to be a lava lamp, then a snow globe. The guitar is filled with the same fluids as a wave machine.
Can be seen: "Cunning Stunts" - ("Am I Evil")
Only used live for "Cunning Stunts"
Black, dot inlays
Seymour duncan humbucker (bridge), single coil (neck)
1 volume and 1 tone control
Can be seen: "Cunning Stunts" (Kirk's guitar-smash)
Roland Jazz Chorus 120
Mesa-Boogie Mark IV amp (re-wired as a pre-amp)
Mesa-Boogie Triaxis preamps
Mesa-Boogie 100 watt power amp
Mesa-Boogie 4x12 cabinets in sound coffins described above
For amplification, Hammett uses a Marshall JMP-1 preamp, and a Mesa-Boogie Rectifier preamp into a Mesa-Boogie Strategy 400 Stereo power amp. Effects and preamp switching are accomplished with a BRADSHAW RSB 18R Rack Switcher with a remote pedal board. Kirk's tech, Justin Crew, uses the pedalboard enabling Hammett to have free reign of the stage. This also keeps the stage less cluttered due to the size of the pedalboard.
Black ESP Explorer #7 - Elk Skull
Barbed wire inlays, EMG 60n/81b humbuckers
4-M logo burnt on back of guitar
Wood burning and graphics by Dino Murdian
Elk skull graphic on body (which looks more like a deer skull graphic)
Can be seen: "Cunning Stunts" - ("So What"), "The Memory Remains" - video, Still used live
Ken Lawrence Explorer
Mahogany body w/ Chichino bark laminate,
EMG 60n/81b humbuckers
'Tribal Hunting Scene' inlays
Modified Kenneth Lawrence headstock
Can be seen: "Cunning Stunts" - ("One")
James uses this guitar for the most songs live
Still used live
ESP JH-1 Flying V #1
Black, 'Red Hot-Rod Flame' graphics, EMG 60/81 humbuckers
4-M inlay at 1st fret, top of M at each other fretmarker
Similar model availiable as ESP JH-1
Can be seen:'Guitar World Presents Guitar Legends: Metallica edition'
Occasionally still used live
ESP JH-1 Flying V #2
Black, 'Fuel Injected' graphics, EMG 60/81 humbuckers
4-M inlay at 1st fret, top of M at each other fretmarker
Stickers: Corvette racing flags
Can be seen: "Cunning Stunts" - ("Kill/Ride Medley") and inside ReLoad booklet
Still used live
ESP Black Explorer #8 - Black Diamond Plate
Black w/ black diamond plate (on body), EMG 60/81 humbuckers
Elk skull inlays
Used as D-tuned guitar
Similar model available as ESP JH-2
Can be seen: "Cunning Stunts" - ("Sad But True")
Still used live
ESP Black Explorer #9 - Black Diamond Plate
Black w/ black diamond plate (on body), EMG 60/81 humbuckers
Inlays: 4M logo at 1st fret and diamonds at the rest
Used as a D-tuned guitar
Similar model available as ESP JH-2
Can be seen: "I Disappear" video
Never used live
Roland Jazz Chorus 120
Mesa-Boogie Mark IV amp (re-wired as a pre-amp)
Mesa-Boogie Triaxis preamps
Mesa-Boogie 100 watt power amp
Mesa-Boogie 4x12 cabinets in sound coffins described above
Dunlop Green Tortex .88 mm (Metallica logo / 4M Ninja Star)
Any other Metallica questions can be answered
HereGreat album.
Ryan Buckner, Ysrafel