
Can anyone explain (detailed) to me the best way of holding a pick. When you want to play (or try to play) fast, I think it's pretty important.
# 1

I always hold my pick between my thump and the 2 next fingers (I don't know the names, I'm not English or American, but Dutch (and I'm proud of it!)). I also think it is important if you want to play fast to buy a very thick pick (1.5, 2 mm) I use a Dunlop 1.5 mm and I am very happy with it.
Reinout Vrijhoef
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A lousy amp will make a great guitar sound lousy
A great player will sound great with anything
Reinout Vrijhoef
A great amp can get a lousy guitar sound great
A lousy amp will make a great guitar sound lousy
A great player will sound great with anything
# 2

yo,Reinout you ever use Dunlop Sharp 1.5 mm pick, there awesome but i can't find store here in chicago that sells 'em.
Jake Sommers
Jake Sommers
"Take my hand boss"
# 3

I so rarely use a pick anymore it's awkward when I try to use one. But when I do, I hold it with my thumb and index finger with the point not quite vertical but slightly pointing to the headstock. I anchor my hand on the bridge fo riffs and move it forward for solos so as to mute the other strings completely. But the most important thing is to find what's comfortablr for you. I've seen lots of different picking styles.
"When you're a young, long-haired guitarist, no one takes you seriously." - John Petrucci
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Web - Photo - Audio
# 4

Let's see if I can explain this... hold your hand as if you were holding a gun and pointing it to the left (assuming you're right handed...) and curl in your first finger a bit - not all the way, but about 3/4 of the way. Now, place your pick on the first joint with the point perpendicular to the joint of the finger. Then, drop your thumb down on it. Position the other fingers to where they don't get in the way and you'll be picking the same way I do.
# 5

Punch holes in the base of the pick with a nail. This will help you too hold onto the pick and keep it from turning
Punch holes in the base of the pick with a nail. This will help you too hold onto the pick and keep it from turning
One The only way is one
I feel angry I feel helpless Want to change the world
I feel angry I feel helpless Want to change the world
# 6