help with scales
can someone list out all the majors and minors in the g major scale. for example i know that it is gmaj amin bmin.... but i dont know where the diminished chords are located. thanks
# 1
In major, the Vii is diatonically diminished.
So it'll be F#dim.
Gmaj Amin Bmin Cmaj Dmaj Emin F#dim
So it'll be F#dim.
Gmaj Amin Bmin Cmaj Dmaj Emin F#dim
# 2
here's a more detailed breakdown of the chords in the Gmajor scale, showing the 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th respectively:
Gmajor7 - G B D F#
Aminor7 - A C E G
Bminor7 - B D F# A
Cmajor7 - C E G B
D7 - D F# A C
Eminor7 - E G B D
F#minor7b5(or F# half diminished) F# A C E
Gmajor7 - G B D F#
Aminor7 - A C E G
Bminor7 - B D F# A
Cmajor7 - C E G B
D7 - D F# A C
Eminor7 - E G B D
F#minor7b5(or F# half diminished) F# A C E
Miracle Blade 4: Gibs on touch.
# 3
# 4