Shop the used rack.
Another thing i think if you got a good amp,
it could make almost any brand sound great!
I own a Tele,Strat,Gibson-335.
I retired the gibson a few years back.
Now every guitar i,ve bought plus own has been a used guitar,even the 2 non-electrics.
At one time i owned plus played just about every brand,
thro the years.
My first guitar was a (Silver Tone ->made by Sears&Robuck ,
it was also used.
To Tell you the truth i can't think of all the names,
of the guitars i've owned thro the years.
But if you name some guitars i might remember them?,
a few comes to mind like Rickenbacker,Les-Paul-Gibson,Gretch,Mosrite,Guild,all the fender models,plus,
a few other gibson models.
My son just picked up a used solid body Washburn that,
i've been trying to talk him into letting me play a few,
jobs with but he's stuck on it right now.
Both of the fender's i play now are hot-rod guitars.
Really if i still had those old guitar's i would play,
them once in awhile.
I think if you like your guitar what ever brand it is,
plus like the sound,feel,ect,its the best.
I would have kept the les-paul but i did'nt like the balance of the neck when standing.
P:S I think an Amp can be a very important part of your,
sound when playing an electric guitar.
Plus it don't hurt to have a good neck,finger-board,
and some hot pick-ups on your guitar.
just my 4 cents...........
P:S I've never bought a guitar just because some artist,
played it i,ve alwasy went by the feel of the neck,plus,
how it sounded thro my amp....................
[Edited by skee1 on 09-12-2001 at 10:31 AM]
yours truly Mark Toman