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Joined: 09/19/02
Posts: 3,941
09/26/2006 3:08 pm
I find it really odd that you got a lot of noise with a Triple XXX. I've had two of these bad boys, and they were one of the quietest amps I've ever played. :confused:

Have you checked out a 5150/6505(exact same amp)? I've got a 5150 combo, and it is an amazing amp! It fits me perfect. The 5150's can be a touch noisy though, but I don't find it to be a problem at all.

I haven't really played any of the other amps you listed, but have always wanted to give the Marshall DSL50 a go. I've played through a DSL100 before, but only a a very low volume :( . I liked what I heard, but couldn't really judge it very well at that low of a volume. I'd go for the 50, because nobody needs 100 watts of tube power, and those extra 50 watts aren't going to make that big of a difference in the first place. Plus, with the 50 watter, you can push the tubes a little harder before your ears start to bleed. lol
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