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Joined: 05/19/06
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Registered User
Joined: 05/19/06
Posts: 22
09/25/2006 6:11 am
I have the Marshall DSL, it is awsome. I have been playing it for about a year. I can tell you from experience the DSL is nice. I used to own the Peavey Triple X as well but I was not happy with the tone. The Marshall on the other hand kicks ASS. I run a Ibanez tube screamer straight in to it and it sharpens up the tone. I changed out the tubes and put Ruby tubes, they are cool but I hear JJs are better. I know people who have owned various versions of the TSL and they all say that the DSL blows them away. THer are some drawbacks however ie. there is only one EQ for all channels, but that is small potatos when you crank that baby and hear rip..Oh yeh I am not familiar with the B-52s