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Guitar Tricks Moderator
Joined: 07/05/00
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Guitar Tricks Moderator
Joined: 07/05/00
Posts: 2,907
08/26/2001 4:52 am
Well, as I think back, I remember being quite a little BASTARD in music class.

Anyway, you've got a tough situation on your hands. You have to find some way to make what you want to teach them interesting (or else you're wasting everybody's time), and you have to come off with an aura of authority. I'm not sure how you should go about that. Little kids just naturally like to use me for a jungle gym, but that's about the debth of their interest in me... unless I'm doing something interesting. Just having an electric guitar will get attention, though the best example of what I'm talking about comes when I'm scuba diving, if I'm setting up, tearing down, or just kinda resting between dives, their's going to be a cluster of kids around. Mostly boys though... but we all know how boys like that sort of thing.

The bottom line is that the kids have to find what you're teaching them interesting, otherwise their will never be peace in your classroom. I suggest an army surplus helmet.
Guitar Tricks Moderator

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