I just got this book in the mail and i flipped through it and was impressed to say the least. The guy does a fantastic job of explaining chord theory and he explains the funtions of chords within a progression and stuff.
The most important thing however is the way he introduces the chords. He starts off with the most common progression- I IV V. What i found is that most beginner books ive flicked thru start off with this progression but they never tell WHY the heck you should learn C F and G first. They make it seem as if you start with these first because they are the easiest to play. He explains basic harmony and then introduces the I IV V progression.
He goes through fingerings for the chords and the easiest ways to move from one chord to another in a progression. The book is extrememly well laid out, large print and all and clear diagrams with no silly pictures of someone holding the chord and you cant actually see the notes cuz the hand is blocking the FB.
Bit of a warning though, this book comes with no CD or tab, but since its a chord-teaching book he uses diagrams above the chord names and slashes on the staff to indicate timing. For arps he does use regular notation and no tabs but thats not hard to figure out as he does a pretty good job of explaining the musical staff and how to read music and timing and such.
Also the excercises start to get incresingly challenging the further you move in, but if you have been sticking to the prior excercises, it wont be too much of a problem.
In short its a great book and should shorten the amount of "Im a noob, where do i start!!!" threads that get old quick. :)