Well, lets face it... music is a business just like any other.
And to give the guy cred.. he's a master at promotion, gimmicks, advertising etc...etc...
About the only reason I'd continue to watch the show is to get more insights into the music business.
I mean, look at his son and that whole promotion thing with the airplane.
You've got a young guy who has a basic garage band just like any other kids.
But with a little money behind you and a famous father, you can get a huge gig with tons of publicity, fans and media.
His son could become the next 'star' and it would have absolutely nothing to do with whether he was any good or not.
It's all in the name of the band, the image, the publicity, the exposure etc etc...
It's kinda sad in a way. There's real talent out there that never gets a chance because they don't have the same advantages. And most kids who only listen to music through their iPods can't tell a good musician from a bad one. It's all about who's cool to listen to and who's poster looks good on your bedroom wall.
Which is kinda what Kiss was all about. My younger brother was totally into Kiss. Like I'm talking posters plastered around his bedroom and total dedication to the band.
I remember telling him that some day he'll grow up and realize that the whole thing is just a gimmick and you'll end up laughing at yourself.
Sure enough, about 10 years later he admitted I was right.
He finally realized that Kiss wasn't that great... it was just a media blitz of publicity coupled with simple rock songs and the gimmick of makeup with the whole mystery of who they really were.