How's this guitar for an absolute beginner?

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07/29/2006 9:03 pm
Ibanez V70CE Acoustic-Electric Guitar
Price: $199.99

I have no guitar experience and I want to start learning. This guitar is in my price range and it seems to have really good reviews. I'm interested in learning to play jazz and blues type of music, so anyone familiar with this guitar, if you can give me your feedback or any suggestions on other guitars to consider, I would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
# 1
Guitar Tricks Moderator
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Guitar Tricks Moderator
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07/29/2006 9:19 pm
Seems like a good choice for a beginning guitar. Your best bet if possible would be to go to a guitar shop and try out different guitars in your price range.
Guitar Tricks Moderator

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# 2
Bar Chord Nick
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Bar Chord Nick
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07/29/2006 9:36 pm
I have to agree with majicninja. Go to a guitar store and try them even the better high priced guitars. This way you can compare how the guitars in your price range feel compared to the better quality guitars.
# 3
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07/30/2006 12:23 am

Consider this. Do you live in a hot, humid climate? If you do don't leave this guitar in the case any longer than you have to. This model is the best I have seen in this price range.
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