In this corner, we have not one but two Peavey Valveking 2x12 combo amps, clocking in at 100 watts apiece.
And, in the other corner, we have a Peavey Valveking head, weighing in at 100 watts altogether, driving the 4x12 cab that goes with it.
Now, if the head amp on the one hand and the two combo amps and the other (running in tandem via a Y-box out of one guitar) are set to precisely identical settings and set up across from each other in the same room, which setup will have more b@ll$? What differences, if any, will there be?
Let's say that it's one guitarist (some renowned A-list studio pro) trying out both setups (so there will be no skill or technique difference at all) and that he's using the same guitar (let's say... a normal off-the-shelf $1,400 Les Paul) to test out both rigs.
So then whaddya get?
To subdivide it any more, what would be the differences for metal (i.e. running Metal Master pedals through everything), blues, Ywngie-style soloing, jazz picking, and whatever the heck else?
Any differences at all? Whatsoever?
I have become absolutely obsessed with the idea of running one guitar through two or more amps, ever since I read about SRV and others (e.g. Keith Richards) having one amp for dirty and another amp for clean, and so on and so forth. Also, a few months ago I saw a live band where the guitarist had a setup just like that... and I nearly wet myself. :o
Since I would have two (or more) very different tones coming out of the two (or more) amps, I guess that would make the above question moot for me... but I just have to wonder!!!
I am primarily a bassist, far far more than anything else when it comes to music... and I'm looking into doing it for that, too. I'm formulating a set-up that involves twin stacks on either side of the drum platform that would make Lemmy sh** his pants but that would satisfy (and maybe even amaze!) at least a few anal tone geeks over in the jazz fusion/prog rock world.