ain't it funny how the sillohuette of you and me
takes the shape of all these other things...
i've never felt it in my mind to walk away
from anything brighter than a shade of grey...
but in my mind it fits like a puzzle
pieces falling all over each other
and i know it fits right there
between your circle and my square
gives what we need to walk on
gives my life it's proper cause
well in my mind...
things fill right up to the top and roll over.
they fall out my mouth... blow my cover.
you're in there, walkin around like you own the place
of all these things, the one i wouldn't replace
cuz in my mind i've thought this over.
my square fits right in your cirlce...
ain't it funny...
two things don't fit till they fall in love
tell me that it'f funny...
circles round corners don't like my sharp ones
but my square corners, they don't mind
as long as their's love every little thing is gonna be fine.