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Joined: 04/26/05
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07/17/2006 3:36 pm
Originally Posted by: jiujitsu_jesus
#Joe Bonamassa - thanks aschleman! This guy is a brilliant electric bluesman in the vein of Stevie Ray Vaughan.#Dream Theatre - Eric, you opened my eyes!

No prob man!! I've been listening to him for awhile now and I love his blues stuff... Another recommendation I have for anyone into blues is Eric Sardinas....... He plays slide acoustic. His vocals aren't anything to brag about but his music is very "Delta'esque"... right to the core of what blues should be. I recommend him as well...

Funny thing about Joe Bonamassa... I jam with a group of guys here in Lafayette who are all family members.. Their kid brother... 12 years old... plays the harmonica and he just cut a track with Joe Bonamassa... haha, pretty crazy. He was also on Americas Got Talent. Check him and his older brother Cole out......... go to youtube and search for LD Miller. I play with his brother Clayton... and their other guitarist Jared Scaggs everynow and then.