pop up on the web.Featureing Sound plus video with lessons,
in theory,rock,blues,jazz,country,punk,beginner,advanced,
metal,classical,tec,styles,tab,ect ect.
Plus rewind the video or fast forward the video.
When you can see what your teacher is doing its alot easer to,learn plus if you can ask questions about what your,
doing wrong and he answers them on-line or via a forum.
You already have 1 or 2 web sites up there now.
The one that features Marc Seals from cal i think he has the best one so far.It is going to be hard for a guitar,
lessons web site that just has tabs and sounds to compeat,
against video sites like this in the future.
Give me your opinions or thought on this subject?
What do think about web sites like this? I can tell you,
right now thats where its going too.
[Edited by skee1 on 08-09-2001 at 06:10 PM]
yours truly Mark Toman