The Future of Guitar Lessons Web Sites ect.

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08/09/2001 10:01 pm
I think in the future you will see more video sites,
pop up on the web.Featureing Sound plus video with lessons,
in theory,rock,blues,jazz,country,punk,beginner,advanced,
metal,classical,tec,styles,tab,ect ect.
Plus rewind the video or fast forward the video.
When you can see what your teacher is doing its alot easer to,learn plus if you can ask questions about what your,
doing wrong and he answers them on-line or via a forum.
You already have 1 or 2 web sites up there now.
The one that features Marc Seals from cal i think he has the best one so far.It is going to be hard for a guitar,
lessons web site that just has tabs and sounds to compeat,
against video sites like this in the future.
Give me your opinions or thought on this subject?
What do think about web sites like this? I can tell you,
right now thats where its going too.


[Edited by skee1 on 08-09-2001 at 06:10 PM]
yours truly Mark Toman
# 1
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08/10/2001 1:23 am
You got that right about the online lessons, skee1!

Somebody told me about those online lessons by Marc Seal and now I'm totally hooked on those archives. The guy's so cool and I love the fact that he's so responsive to people's requests and how he covers various genres.
I think the best part is when you tune into it live. I like how he made it interactive so you can ask questions and send emails even as he's teaching live.
I got this 56K modem that takes ten minutes to even initiate each video sessions but they are definitely worth it!
# 2
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08/10/2001 3:37 am
Yep, the internet is our future. A few years ago I was giving this kid guitar lessons, and for a few momnths I taught him the basics, just about everything he wanted to know. Then a few weeks went by and he stopped coming by. So I gave the kid a call, asking him if his enthusiasm toward the instrument had dwindled since the last time I saw him, and he simply relyed "no, I just recently discovered the internet." And that was the end of my guitar teaching job. Of course I congratulated him on such a monumental discvery!!!

"Swoop and soar like the blues angels."
# 3
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08/10/2001 6:33 am
I just got WebTV thinking it'd be great for doing stuff like that but it doesn't even let you play MP3 files, let alone streaming video. I think web lessons are the way of the future but it's gonna have to get more accessible to the majority of people who don't have computers. I'm hoping in 5 years or so you'll be able to take live lessons through your TV using 2 way web cams. I'm also hoping that independant artists and garage bands will be able to broadcast there own live shows right from home to millions of tv sets. It'd be so cool to just fire up your own one man band midi set up and play a few sets every night to a huge audience. (hopefully there'll be a way to make money from it too :)
Hey you kids! Get outta that Jello tree!! :mad:
# 4
Guitar Tricks Instructor
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08/15/2001 1:13 am
Yeah i like the broadcasting idea with the bands alot i truely cant wait for things such as that. I believe streaming video and such will really take off once the phone line is obsolete. Soon TV, telephone, and computer will be merged together and goodbye to phone lines. Atleast i hope it's soon. 10 years maybe? less?
# 5
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08/15/2001 3:50 pm
New in oct. Microsoft is relaseing a new OS called XP.
i've aready tested the beta version and it don't look bad.
they fixed alot bugs but who knows how many its got it yet.
also there will be an upgrade for the win98 explorer,
released in oct.

P:S Thanks for replies to this thread.
Also would like hear your thoughts on useing (Real Player)?


[Edited by skee1 on 08-15-2001 at 11:52 AM]
yours truly Mark Toman
# 6
is Super Fabulous
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08/15/2001 6:53 pm

Real Player sucks, man. Especially is you're going to be using XP. XP has support for streaming audio and video formats built right into the OS, so what would you need RP for?

Besides, Real Player is partnered with AOL. That's all the confirmation I need that it sucks.
# 7
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08/15/2001 8:19 pm
your right christoph!
your right on the ball ha ha.......

I guess you win the tec award of the month.

[Edited by skee1 on 08-15-2001 at 04:21 PM]
yours truly Mark Toman
# 8
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08/17/2001 11:32 pm
I've tried using Real Audio but it locks up my computer every time.
Another thing I can't stand are web sites that use Flash. Even on cable it goes so slow there's no point in it.
Hey you kids! Get outta that Jello tree!! :mad:
# 9
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08/18/2001 3:02 am
# 10
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08/18/2001 2:05 pm
Well i took your advice bro's and changed all my files,
to the mp3 format on my web page.
If i get time i'll post some tricks here at guitar tricks.
For now if some of you guys would check my page,
and let me know if the sound files work ok that would,
be nice.


The only files i have'nt change yet is the about me page,
which has my old record i made back in the 60's on it.
If you have any input about any other changes,
or my web page feel free to let me know?
Well i got a gig to go to this afternoon so cya later.

>Thank you

[Edited by skee1 on 08-18-2001 at 10:14 AM]
yours truly Mark Toman
# 11
is Super Fabulous
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is Super Fabulous
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08/18/2001 4:36 pm

Skee, I noticed that you have all your mp3 files encoded at an insanely high bitrate, i.e. 320kbs. That high of a bitrate is definitely unnecessary and makes for very big files and long download times.

Try encoding all the files at 32kbs. That way you'll be able to fit 10 seconds of audio into about 40k, and it will still sound fine.
# 12
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08/19/2001 5:07 am
Thanks Christoph i'll change it!
i thought they were loading way to slow.
thanks again Bro.


i've never worked with the encoder before so if i have problems i'll drop you a line ok?thanks again

[Edited by skee1 on 08-19-2001 at 01:09 AM]
yours truly Mark Toman
# 13
is Super Fabulous
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is Super Fabulous
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08/19/2001 7:15 pm

Yeah, drop me an email if you need help.

Or just ask in the forum. I'm sure there's people around here who know more than I do about encoding.
# 14
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08/31/2001 3:24 am
to where can i get a lesson onlinwe i haev cable
# 15

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