It is not me singing or playing the guitar but a good friend of mine Dan Nuno. I tracked it, edited it, added some lamo drums and did a very scant job of mixing it (and the song is a cover !!).
We have the bass player (another studio engineer) coming round on Sat and we can see where we go from their ! I got drunk with him several weeks ago and we have both sufficiently recovered to do some jammin and recordin !
The rhythm guitar was a 1970s Guild Jazz-box into a Radial split-bone ABY box which went either through Boss trem and Verb pedals or direct into either channel of an ART TPS and then into an MOTU 828 mk II @ 24/96. Each was panned about 50% L or R.
The lead was a mid 90s California strat into the ART TPS via a tube screamer or clean.
the bass was a Peavey Cirrus into an Avalon U5 DI and the Vox were tracked using an AKG C414 into an Avalon vt737sp. Both also went into the 828 @ 24/96.
Drums were my old faithful Boss DR770 !
Lovely to hear form all you guys again, it is a real pleasure !
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my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS